Bedbugs are pests that thrive around human dwellings. They live only on human blood for survival. They have received their name from its close association with human bedding. Bed bugs move from place to place along with peoples clothing and baggage. During day time bed bugs hide in tiny cracks and crevices and feed on blood at night. Bed bugs are tiny, microscopic pests that can cause a big problem in a home. It is possible to tell bed bugs are in a home by looking first in two places: the body and the sheets. On bedsheets, bed bugs will show their presence by leaving behind what appears to be a tiny blood splatter, or blood smears.
This marking is the faces left behind by bed bugs and is a tell-tale sign that they are present in a home. Some marks will swell and others will not, but they will be present on hairless areas since the bugs do not like hair. Once the signs of bed bugs are found, it is time to seek treatment. Options for treatments at home are viable, but none are as effective as anything performed by a professional. Once the signs of bed bugs are found, it is time to seek treatment.Bed bugs are highly sensitive to heat, and levels of 97 degrees Fahrenheit and upwards have been known to kill the pests in large numbers. A steam cleaner is especially effective because the steam can penetrate areas that sprays, powders and other sometimes harmful substances cannot, including cracks, crevices and even the insides of mattresses.
Some facts about Bedbugs
- Bed bugs can lay 1-5 eggs in a day and can lay up to 500 eggs in a lifetime.
- Bed bugs can ingest seven times their own weight in blood, which would be the equivalent of an average-sized male drinking 120 gallons of liquid.
- Bed bug hatchlings are so small they can pass through a stitch-hole in a mattress.
- Bed bugs can live more than a year without eating.
- Because bed bug bites are painless, people often don't even notice there's a problem until the infestation is large. Bed bugs leave a cluster line of itchy bites.
- 70% of homeowners view bed bugs as a nuisance pest, while 20% term them a disease threat
- In addition to being found in beds, bed bugs can also be found in carpets, under wallpaper, behind baseboards, and in small cracks and crevices throughout a room.
- According to calls received by professional pest control companies, bed bugs are found in apartments (23%), single family dwellings (21.6%), hotels/motels (37.2%), college dormitories (2%), and other locations (16.2%).
Everyday Prevention Tips
It is important to be aware of ways to prevent bed bugs in your everyday life. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
- Vacuum suitcases after returning from a vacation.
- Check your sheets for tell-tale blood spots
- Never bring second-hand furniture, especially mattresses and box springs, into a home without thoroughly examining for signs of a bed bug infestation. You might consider having a pest control professional inspect the furniture as it is difficult to detect an infestation without training.
- Regularly inspect areas where pets sleep for signs of bed bugs.
- Bed bugs are elusive creatures, so it is imperative to seek professional pest control assistance to address an infestation.
- Preventation - To prevent bed bugs from entering your home, experts advise vacuuming suitcases and washing clothes in hot water after returning from a vacation where you've seen signs of the pests.