Mosquitoes & Flies One of the most common insects that a human encounter every day is Mosquitoes and we provide effective measure for mosquito’s control. These suck human blood and are well known vectors of many dangerous diseases. A special larvicide treatment is given to destroy the larvae of Mosquitos in their breeding habitat before they can mature into adult mosquitoes and disperse. Adult mosquitoes can be controlled by contact poison insecticide. In particular, house flies transmit a wide range of diseases including salmonella, dysentery, tuberculosis, cholera and parasitic worms.Mosquitoes – adults 5mm. Tend to be found near still water where their larvae develop. Our guide to insect bites advises on treatment for bites.
Adult flies lay their eggs in moist organic material, for example, food scraps, animal faeces (droppings), grass clippings or dead animals. After a few hours the eggs turn into larvae, called maggots. The maggots feed on the organic material and grow quickly. After four or five days the maggots move to dry soil and burrow down into it and turn into pupae. A special hard protective covering called a pupal case encloses each of the pupae while they continue to develop. Pupae are brown to black in colour and can sometimes be mistaken for mice droppings. Flies feed by putting a special substance from its stomach onto the food through its long, hollow, tube-shaped mouth. This special type of mouth is called a proboscis. The special substance which comes from the fly's stomach makes the food liquid and the fly then sucks this up through its proboscis.
Some facts about Mosquitoes & Flies
- Musca nebulo and Musca domestica are the most common house flies living as guests in our shelters house flies are cosmopolitan in distribution and are most dangerous vectors of contagious diseases.
- Only the Female mosquitoes bite the Human beings and Animals. They live for almost 4 months, while their male counterparts live for just 2 weeks.
- Culex mosquitoes cause Elephantiasis, and bite only in the evening/night.
- These flies are called house flies because of their close association with man, flies carry many pathogens (viruses, bacteria, protozoa, helminth eggs, etc.,) and transmit diseases like Cholera, Conjunctivitis, diseases like Diarrhoea.
- Adult female mosquitoes can live up to four weeks if they have a food source, while males live less than a week.
- Male mosquitoes do not bite humans, but rather live on plant juices and other natural liquids from plants and decomposing organic material.
- When a mosquito bites, she injects an anticoagulating agent into the skin to prevent the blood from clotting and allowing her to feed. It is the body's immune response to the anticoagulant that causes the reddened welts and itching.
- Any water that stands for at least seven days can breed mosquitoes
- Mosquitoes transmit some of the worst diseases known to man, including dengue fever, malaria, encephalitis, and yellow fever.
- Most mosquitoes found around homes are known as "tree hole" or "container" mosquitoes which seek out accumulated water in hollows in trees; in water-capturing plants; or in bird baths, barrels, cans, clogged gutters and old tires.
Treatment & Features of AMT – Anti Mosquitoes & Flies Treatment
- Treatment applied in all affected areas and also in the breeding sources like drainage openings, channels, water stagnations, etc., very nearby to the premises.
- Larviciding
- Adulticiding
- Source Reduction
- Disinfestations spray on premises and breeding stations, fogging treatment, mechanical etc.
- Gum traps will also be placed as per requirement.